Suposes progressive occlussion or dilation of blood vessels provoking severe complications
Although there are a variety of situations, this disease is often the result of atherosclerosis and the progressive deterioration of the arteries. The most common effect is usually arteriosclerosis obstruction vessel lumen causing a decrease in the carrying capacity of the blood and consequently a difficulty in the irrigation of different organs.
Atherosclerosis can affect any artery in the body, coronary, carotid, aorta, renal and leg arteries. When clogged arteries in the legs, intermittent claudication may appear to be manifested as muscle pain or buttock twin forcing suspend the march. May also be a weakening in artery walls dilatation of provoking them, generating called aneurysms. An aneurysm, according to their location, can be very dangerous as it can crack and cause severe bleeding.
What is Peripheral arterial disease?
Angiologist and Vascular Surgeon. Association member no. 28119
Graduate of the FACULTY OF MEDICINE of the Provincial Hospital Clinico Central University. Resident Locum in ANGIOLOGY and VASCULAR SURGERY GERMANS TRIAS I PUJOL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL of Barcelona 1993 -1997
Since 1999 to april 2015 was Head of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery Department of the Hospital Plato of Barcelona. Currently is also Medical Director of CLINICA VASCULAR BARCELONA in Barcelona.
Actually in QUIRON GROUP Head of the Angiology ans Vascular Surgery Department of the Hospital Sagrat Cor of Barcelona and Hospital General de Cataluña.
He complemented his training in national and international services, especially the BARNES JEWISH HOSPITAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER. St. Louis. Missouri. (USA).
Since 1999, he has been in charge of the Angiology and Vascular Surgery department of the HOSPITAL PLATO of Barcelona. (Public Health Centre)
Author of about thirty articles and speaker at congresses and round tables on the speciality on more than 100 occasions. PhD courses carried out at the Autonomous University of Barcelona 1995-1996
He has a Master in Hospital Management and Health Care Services Management (2000-201) from the Central University of Barcelona and he did post-graduate courses on Quality, Process Management and EFQM Continuous Improvement Systems, and he takes an active part in his hospital’s committees.
He’s also Medico-legal specialist and member of council of medical college of Barcelona since 2010.
He has been the organizer of meetings on the speciality where Tecnovasc 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2005 ( stands out as an international symposium on technological breakthroughs in vascular surgery and the first spanish workshop meeting on the Tessari sclerotherapy method in 2004.
He has been coordinator of vascular surgery attention between Primary Care and Hospital Care of the Esquerra de la Eixample (a geographic area with 600,000 inhabitants which includes the hospitals Hospital Clinic, Hospital Sagrat Cor and Hospital Plato) since 2007.
Within the speciality, he has dedicated special attention to the treatment of chronic venous disease through minimally invasive techniques and he has promoted endovenous procedures like the endolaser, radiofrequency and ultrasound-guided sclerosis with foam ( Likewise, he has created a fast circuit for attending to lower limb ulcers in his area of reference.
In the Hospital Plato, he works along with another 4 vascular and endovascular surgeons where they carry out almost all vascular and endovascular procedures, both venous and arterial. In the Hospital Plato, over 900 venous procedures are currently being carried out every year, plus 300 cases among arterial procedures, fistulas for haemodialysis and other treatments.
During 2007, Dr. Enric Roche was Dr. Juan Cabrera collaborator in Barcelona in the treatment of varicose veins with microfoam. During 2008 and 2009 he was director of the International Institute of Phlebology which applied the technique of microfoam sclerotherapy in varicose veins and vascular malformations.
Currently, his professional activity is carried on in HOSPITAL PLATÓ and CLINICA VASCULAR BARCELONA.